JBoss BPM Suite 6.1 Design Time / Runtime Clustering

JBoss BPM Suite can be clustered both in Design time and Runtime. For Design time, clustering leverages Apache Zookeeper and Apache Helix, to replicate the git repo. For Runtime, the container manages most of the clustering & HA, however, if you choose to use timers in your process or the execution server, you will need to configure one extra component, Quartz. [Read More]

Blog Post Syntax Highlighting For Code On Blogger

As I'm starting this out, I did some quick research for code syntax highlighting tools and found one that seems to be pretty active. All I had to do was edit html of my blogger template design and add the following lines inside my head tag. [Read More]

Centralized Maven Repository - Such As Nexus

Most enterprises will likely need some form of centralized maven repository of some form, to manage your compiled maven project artifacts.  One open source offering of such is from Sonatype, Nexus OSS. [Read More]

Tinkering With Docker and BIND DNS

I've been tinkering with Docker, Kubernetes and all sorts of middleware technology as it relates to Red Hat. Recently I needed to setup a quick DNS server and I figured why not put it in a docker image. [Read More]