OpenShift Container Platform Local (formerly cdk) v2.1

Red Hat provides you with a local OpenShift 3 environment within it’s container development kit, known as OpenShift Container Platform Local. Reference the instructions for your specific platform. This is all available to you with a free Red Hat Developers subscription.

Once you have it configured (you can specify your Red Hat credentials using environment variables, SUB_USERNAME and SUB_PASSWORD), just fire it up with:

vagrant up

Follow instructions at the end of the command for access to your local OpenShift environment running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

To see the vagrant exportable environment variables:

vagrant service-manager env

To apply these environment variables to your local environment (for OSX):

eval "$(vagrant service-manager env)"

Or for all environment variables:

eval "$(vagrant service-manager env docker)"

Lastly, suppose you want to run docker commands locally within the shell of your local operating system. Follow the instructions for your specific platform. After running the eval command above for docker, a local docker client will be able to use those variables to access the docker daemon running in your cdk VM.

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