OpenShift Container Platform 3.2 - router sharding

Tested: OCP

So I decided to give router sharding a try in the new OpenShift Container Platform 3.2 release. This is just a quick way to get started along with some documentation links. As with OpenShift 3.x, the DNS component is left up to you. The origin documentation has some details on this.

First thing you’ll want to be aware of is, ideally this will be setup on different infra nodes and/or host ips (I haven’t tested this with host ips, just a though) because each router shard instance is going to require it’s set of hostPorts by default, needing 80, 443, and 1936.

My example quick setup only has 1 infra node. This quick setup will use the same wildcard DNS and I just modify ports accordingly.

Check out the documentation provided on router shards. Described below are two methods. Though method 2 is cleaner, depending on your environment.

Method 1

Use the base script mkshard described in the documentation.

Let’s create some shards, (I tweaked the replicas=1):

oc project default
./ 1 sla=high
./ 2 sla=low

The number is the shard number and the portion after is the applied ROUTE_LABELS that this particular shard that your application project/routes will need to use this particular shard.

You will notice that your pods will likely fail to deploy with a status of Pending. If you describe the pod, you will likely see for your infra node, PodFitsPorts. Since the two new router shards want the port taken by your default router 80, 443 and 1936. This is where different infra nodes and/or additional IPs will help give us access to those default ports.

So how do we get the current setup running?

  • Update the dc/router-shard-1: oc edit dc/router-shard-1
    • Modify all the 80->81, 443->444, 1936->1937
  • Update the dc/router-shard-2: oc edit dc/router-shard-2
    • Modify all the 80->82, 443->445, 1936->1938
  • You may need to delete some of the older failed deploy / router pods.

Method 2

An example version of the script above to tweak the ports accordingly:

oc adm router $router --replicas=0 --ports=$http_port:$http_port,$https_port:$https_port --stats-port=$stats_port
oc env $dc ROUTE_LABELS="$sel"  
oc env $dc ROUTER_SERVICE_HTTP_PORT=$http_port
oc env $dc ROUTER_SERVICE_HTTPS_PORT=$https_port
oc scale $dc --replicas=1
note: I’m using oc adm above instead of oadm because my environment is using atomic host and I’m doing everything from a remote machine via oc, so I don’t have access to an oadm

ex usage of the tweaked script:

$ ./ 1 sla=med 81 444 1937

Continue here

Some options that I haven’t tested:

  • Additional infra nodes
  • Additional IPs for our ports to bind to (would this be even possible?)

So we got the two router-shard pods up and running. You will likely need to modify your iptables to open up the new ports on your infra node.

iptables-save > ~/iptables-output
vi ~/iptables-output
iptables-restore < ~/iptables-output

One way to get your application to use the new route will be to add an additional label to your route. In YAML, under the metadata.labels of the route, add one of your ROUTE_LABELS. For example sla: high. Your application will now be accessible through port 81, using your new router-shard-1.

To use a router at a project level, you need to apply a project namespace.

  1. Add it to your router: oc env dc/<router_shard> NAMESPACE_LABELS=site=prod
  2. Add it to your project: oc label namespace <project> site=prod


  • If you check the log of your new router pod, it should say: router.go:153] Router is only using routes in namespaces matching site=prod
  • If for some reason it’s not working, verify that your project NAMESPACE_LABELS and route ROUTE_LABELS match the designated router configurations. Also for existing routes, ensure that your ingress lists the intended routerName. In the UI it’s shown as exposed on router <router_name> It may also take time to refresh.
  • If your route has a matching router with only ROUTE_LABELS, the switch happens quickly.
  • For a project defined with a NAMESPACE_LABELS matching a router, new applications will pick up the routing quickly. Existing projects may require tweaking of the route to refresh the routing list.
  • For NAMESPACE_LABELS, you may also need to add cluster-reader permissions to the router service account. oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-reader system:serviceaccount:default:router – Needs to be verified, reference here

Updating labels:

  • To remove the label NAMESPACE_LABELS, do the following: oc env dc/<router_name> NAMESPACE_LABELS-
  • To remove a project namespace label, oc label ns <project> site-

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