As for the REST service call, I wanted to show a GET and a POST while deal with the json format and having the business process engine marshal and unmarshal the json reply and payload. The fun part for the REST service calls was leveraging the following fields as part of data assignments: "ResultClass", "ContentType", "Content", and "Method".
Find the source for the project here.
A colleague also wrote up a nice blog post offering ways to deploy the demo as well. Thanks Eric.
Here is a snapshot of the process itself:
While the built-in reassignment of a human task is helpful, sometimes one would want to execute a process, subprocess, external service call, perform an action in the event of an escalation. I built out a skeleton example bpmn2 process to show this. Here is the bpmn2 version of the process model.
* Update: added a link bpmn2 version of the process model for a more extensive escalation