OpenShift Enterprise 3.1 on AWS/EC2

This particular deployment was my first experience/foray into the world of Amazon AWS EC2.  While it took some getting used to the layout and terms, it eventually all ended up making sense for the most part.  The prebuilt ansible playbooks did the heavy lifting and I just experimented and documented the runs.

The project was initially created by the Red Hat OpenShift team to demonstrate OpenShift during the Middleware Keynote at Summit 2015.  It's was extended to support the OpenShift Roadshow that's been touring around.

This particular set of instructions pertains to extending the instructions and tweaking the demo ansible for deploying the OpenShift Roadshow.  My forked git repo is here.  I've extended the documentation/notes around AWS, script, OpenShift notes and deploying with ansible running on OSX.

Couple things to note to get started with AWS, once you setup your account, first setup and account through the Identity and Access Management (IAM) dashboard.  This is where you will get your ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.  Particularly the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY is the one to protect the most, depending on the permissions given to the created account.  For instance you need to provide EC2 and Route53 access in order for the roadshow-ansible/openshift-ansible playbooks to do their job.  With enough access someone with access to your KEY and SECRET_KEY would be able to spin up instances at your cost.  The permissions section gives you a simulate option to test fine grained permissions based on the task to be performed.

On to EC2, each EC2 region requires a keypair for you to be able to access the provisioned systems.  The keypair is associated to the region you want to deploy your instance workload to.  AMI's may also be tied to a particular region as well.

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